First search and open Visual Studio · Go to “File” in the top left corner, then go to “Open”, and click on “Analysis Service Database” · Select the Datavision Database and click “OK” · It will take a couple of minutes ...
Following are the instructions on how to de-activate data extraction for a property. Make a backup of the Access database CountryStateCodeLookUps.mdb and put it into the _Archive folder. Preferred naming convention of backup is ...
Get a list of what is currently outstanding: select * from DVENTERPRISE.dbo.StagingRequests where StatusId < 4 Fail those currently outstanding records Update DVENTERPRISE.dbo.StagingRequests Set StatusId = 5 where StatusId < 4
So, your BrandKarma/TrustYou interface is acting up. It's generating a line like the below in it's error log: 20190221 14:05:32 | ExtractDataFromFile: .sftp System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ...
Here is a quick video showing the steps necessary to load the forecast to the GL Period cube for SBE. The 2020 Actual+Budget file is stored in a Budget Uploads folder on SBE. ...