So, your BrandKarma/TrustYou interface is acting up. It's generating a line like the below in it's error log:
20190221 14:05:32 | ExtractDataFromFile: .sftp
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path
'e:\Datavision\Programs\BrandKarma\Files\.sftp' is denied.
DON'T LOSE HOPE! You, yes you, can resolve this issue.
First, delete that folder from the files folder.
Second, login to Exavault Web interface. Unless you are an Exavault Admin, you will need to use the BrandKarma userid/password from the config file.
Third, highlight the .sftp folder, and delete it.
Forth, in the interface Files folder, delete the files for the days that have been missed.
Fifth, rerun the interface. The files deleted in step four will be transferred again, and then processed.
Sixth, check that everything loaded okay, then pat yourself on the back for a job well done.