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Interface Delphi2008 - How to stop data from being extracted for a property in a multi-properties scenario
Following are the instructions on how to de-activate data extraction for a property. Make a backup of the Access database CountryStateCodeLookUps.mdb and put it into the _Archive folder. Preferred naming convention of backup is ...
DV Server - Windows password updates
Update the password in all Services running under this user Update the stored password in all Windows Scheduled Tasks (running whether logged in or not) For DVmarket Web properties, update the password stored in \programs\DVmarket\web.config If SQL ...
DV Addin - Alt-F9 doesn't Calculate on new install
Dear Delightful Development Divas, Recently I was setting up some initial reports on a brand new server. The latest version of the Addin was installed, regular F9 is working and individual formulas are working, but Alt F9 just shows the calculate ...
DV Addin - Calling Alt-F9/DVUpload from a macro
Dear Developer Divas, I have a macro. It is a fine and cunning macro. I want to Alt-F9 my Datavision formulas from my macro. I want to DVUpload from my macro. How can I do this? Signed Just Jamming with Jamacros Dear Jamanda, Excellent question! ...
Clearing 'stuck' data writes in DVUpload Status
Get a list of what is currently outstanding: select * from DVENTERPRISE.dbo.StagingRequests where StatusId < 4 Fail those currently outstanding records Update DVENTERPRISE.dbo.StagingRequests Set StatusId = 5 where StatusId < 4